Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper is celebrated in obedience to Jesus’ command to his disciples to do so in remembrance of his death on the cross. When we take the bread and drink the wine we are in a very tangible way reminded of and immersed in his self-sacrifice for us. We acknowledge in this way that we are not in ourselves worthy of God’s love, but in need of forgiveness and grace. We do not need to live holy and perfect lives to be entitled to take part, but when we do receive Jesus’ gift to us we are called to take it seriously and be renewed in our thinking and living.

Taking part in Communion also means we gather together round the Lord’s Table – it reminds us of our being bonded together into the one People of God. We can’t truly ‘commune with Christ’ if we are not also connected to his people. You are therefore encouraged to worship with us every week.

We currently celebrate 3 ‘formal’ Holy Communion services a year; on the first Sunday in February, the first in June (though can vary if coincides with Bank Holiday weekend) and the first in October. In the week before these services our elders will try to visit the members in their districts to invite them. You do not need an invitation to attend and take part in Communion, however. Everyone who loves and wishes to follow Jesus Christ as Lord is welcome to take part. Children are welcome to participate.

Bread and (alcohol free) wine are passed through the pews during the second half of the service. If you do not wish to take part, you just pass it to the person next to you.

We currently hold a more ‘informal’ Communion service on Maundy Thursday (before Good Friday) in the halls and a short Communion following the service on Easter Sunday.

If someone you know is unable to come to church through ill health or old age it is possible for the minister to arrange a home communion.

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